In the early hours of January 9, 2025, gunmen believed to be Boko Haram terrorists launched an assault on the Nganzai Police Division. Despite a fierce exchange of gunfire, the attackers were met with strong resistance from the police officers on duty.
Tragically, two officers were killed when the terrorists deployed hand grenades, which struck a shelter tent located behind the division. The Borno State Police Command’s Public Relations Officer, ASP Kenneth Daso, confirmed the incident in a statement released on Thursday.
ASP Daso reported that during a follow-up assessment of the attack site, two grenades were recovered by the EOD – CBRN Base 13 Maiduguri, as highlighted by the Borno State Commissioner of Police, Yusufu Lawal.
“At approximately 12:10 am on January 9, unknown gunmen, suspected to be Boko Haram terrorists, attempted to invade the Nganzai Police Division. Our courageous officers successfully repelled the attack; however, during the encounter, the terrorists threw hand grenades that sadly resulted in the fatalities of two officers,” stated ASP Daso.
The bodies of the deceased officers have been transported to the State General Hospital in Maiduguri. The Commissioner of Police praised the bravery of the officers and extended condolences to the families of the fallen.
The police spokesman reassured the public that normalcy has been restored and emphasized the command’s ongoing commitment to ensuring safety and security for all citizens.